
great minds think alike and...

come up with the same/similar blog titles.
Check out the The Chrysalis Experiment - "... a commitment on the part of three writers to test writing wisdom by composing a short story every week during 2011 in the hopes of honing their skills." 
Writers are invited to participate. Don't mind if I do. 

Here is my survey which can be used as an introduction to the group - just answer the questions on your blog and send the post's link to the Chrysalis Project honchos:

What are your current writing habits?  Do you have any larger projects in the works?
I am trying to establish a pattern/habit of writing every day. Considering that I focus on medical/science fiction I conduct some form of research daily. I am working on larger pieces that I'd like to (self) publish.

Name three things you love about your own writing and three skills that you would like to work on this year. 
I love the ideas; in area of creating the universe and the concept I am  - to quote Charlie Sheen - 'rock star from Mars'.
I am looking forward to working on the craft and characters, the more mundane part of writing process.

Do you have a list of writing goals for 2011?
Complete my WIP.

What do you find inspiring?
Honestly it can be anything - trash truck outside, an article about genetic therapies, political developments.
The driving force is hidden in a form of the words: 'HOW & WHY?'

What sort of things do you currently do to improve your writing?
thesaurus as a bedtime book; participating in flash fiction challenges (like Chrysalis Project for one)

Are you currently looking for a critique partner or beta readers?  If so, what qualities would you like in a critique partner or beta reader?
Definitely looking for  yes people as my beta readers ;)

1 comment:

  1. OMG... I think I can't answer these questions. No pattern, nothing to like particularly in my "writing" (funny to call that the pathetic activity I almost never do), can't really indentify any sources of inspiration... OMG (again)!

    Hm, what's a beta reader? (Sorry, if I seem too slow, but I'm afraid that's because I AM too slow).
